Bonita Valley Garden Club
The Bonita Valley Garden Club recently celebrated 50 years!! It was founded in 1972 and has about 80 members. The BVGC aims to keep the Bonita and South Bay area beautiful by protecting native plants and wildlife, stimulating interest in good gardening, civic beautification, service, and education, and promoting garden club activities in keeping with their mission.
BVGC is a member of National Garden Club, Inc., Pacific Region and California Garden Clubs, Inc., Palomar District. Through their fundraising efforts, they award scholarships to horticulture students at Cuyamaca College and Southwestern College. Their annual plant sale is their primary fundraiser.
Please consider supporting their efforts when you see their next plant sale event!
BVGC The Seedling December Newsletter:
Contact: bonitavalleygcinfo@gmail.com
Learn more and attend a meeting: californiagardenclubs.com/bonitavalleygardenclub
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We need your help!! Please consider joining the SVCA to help us protect, preserve, and keep our Bonita community the “Best Place to Live”.
Judy Tieber, President
Sweetwater Valley Civic Association