Critical County of San Diego Redistricting Meeting
The Sweetwater Valley Civic Association invites the community to the County of San Diego Redistricting Meeting on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, at the Bonita Sunnyside Library at 6:00 p.m.
Redistricting occurs every ten years as a result of Census outcomes. As the San Diego County population increases and decreases across our supervisorial districts, adjustments to these districts occur in order to keep the population equal across districts. This ensures a more favorable representation of our citizens regardless of where we live within the County.
Bonita is in a unique and vulnerable geographical area near the confluence of three different districts. The SVCA believes that we, as a community, should play an active role as to which district we want to be in and why it is important to us. A critical meeting with the Redistricting Commission has been scheduled for Bonita, and it is really important that the community shows up and makes their voices heard. The SVCA hopes to see you there.