Please Join Us for the Upcoming Sweetwater Valley Civic Association August 2nd Meeting.
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I hope your summer is going well. I’m getting an agenda out early for our August meeting. I will update it as I get new information. As many of you know, the County Zoning law changes meeting in June was a terrible reflection on our community character. Rather than going on about that, I’ve asked the County to give us a second chance with another presentation as part of the Civic Association meeting.
The CHP office is getting a new commander or person in charge and we need to give him/her at least a week or two to get settled before having a meeting. Therefore, we are tentatively planning for the evening of March 14th in the Library Community Room and I will confirm this date soon. I have asked for this meeting to be with people far enough up the food chain to make actual changes in how our community is served.
That way if we have any disruptors, I will not hesitate to have a sheriff’s deputy escort them out. Thankfully Sweetwater Valley Civic Association is still a venue where civil and respectful discourse is important. My thoughts are we would all be more comfortable with new zoning laws if we knew how our Bonita area would be affected. If County staff will return, I’ve asked if they could please explain the new law and how it might relate to us. I have not heard back from them, but I hope we can work something out.
A while ago Tom Lawton thought State Senator Steve Padilla might be interested in joining us while he is home on vacation. I reached out to Tom to try and get something set up, but that is still up in the air. I’ve also reached out to Lisa Schmidt inviting Assembly member David Alvarez to be a guest. There is a lot going on in Sacramento these days, and I think some discussions with our elected officials are in order.
Good News! Channel 8 had a story this morning about Chula Vista going into their part of the “jungle” and clearing out the homeless camp. If you didn’t see it, go to Channel 8 News on your electronic device and watch the video. Really, really a disgusting mess. Hoping those folks will move to the new Chula Vista homeless facility (little cottages). If the homeless just move over to National City or Caltrans property, nothing will get accomplished.
A special thanks to all of you for renewing your SVCA membership for 2023-24. A very special thanks to all of you who upgraded to a gold membership. We understand our latest County Neighborhood Reinvestment Grant application has been approved, but we haven’t been funded yet. When we do, I plan to start up the Community Spotlights again, only this time, I want to focus on businesses owned by our SVCA members. Hoping to have more on that at our August meeting.
August 2nd Agenda Snapshot:
- Treasurer’s report for June 2023
- Fire Safety News and Information from Fire Chief Mike Sims and from Sheriff’s Dept Julio Garcia
- Elected Representative Reports: Andrew Harvey from the office of Supervisor Nora Vargas
Amanda Angulo from the office of Chula Vista Mayor, John McCann
Lisa Schmidt from Assemblymember David Alvarez office
Mayra Hernandez from the office of State Assemblymember David Alvarez (80th District)
Thomas Lawton from the office of State Senator Stephen Padilla (18th District)
Angel Marquez from US Senator Alex Padilla’s office.
Michael Rivas from Juan Vargas’ office
New Business:
- To be announced
News from the Community Forum:
- Traffic and Roads—Mike Clowers
- Sweetwater Community Planning Group—Stephen Stonehouse
- Sr. Volunteer Patrol—Jim Woodford
- Membership—Sharon Coleman
- Trails—Mark Kukucheck
- And other announcements/concerns
Take care, get your yard work done early. Stay cool. Remember, if you have speeding or dangerous drivers in your neighborhoods be sure to call the CHP at 858-293-6000 and report it and ask for a patrol officer to spend some time on your street or in your neighborhood. I’m still getting passed on both the right and left over a double yellow on San Miguel Road.
I hope to see you all at our August 2nd meeting.
Sweetwater Valley Civic Association
Annual Meeting: August 2, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Bonita Library Community Room
All the best,
Judy Tieber, President
Sweetwater Valley Civic Association