Please join us for the upcoming Sweetwater Valley Civic Association January 4th Meeting.

Dear SVCA Members and Community Members,
I trust you all had a great Holiday Season, I sure did. And now it is time to get back to work for our community. We do not have a guest speaker this time, but there is always a lot going on in local government that affects us. I recently found out that our Easternmost area of Bonita now falls within Supervisorial District 2 under Joel Anderson. This is predominantly an East County district so we will have to work extra hard to let him know what is happening in Bonita. While this “division” of our community doesn’t make a lot of sense, I think we have to look at it as an opportunity to increase our presence on the County Board of Supervisors. Instead of reaching out to one supervisor, we can now reach out to a second one. I’m thinking, in particular, about our issues with the 125 toll road, expansion efforts for Summit Park, and traffic safety along San Miguel Road, just to name a few.
I have reached out to Supervisor Anderson’s Office to request staff presence at our meetings to hear from us, and to let us know what he is doing that affects us. If I do hear back from his office, and we will have a rep join us, I’ll revise the agenda and resend. I’ve also reached out to Juan Vargas (51st Congressional Office) asking for representation. If anyone is interested in having me reach out to Darryl Issa’s office, please let me know. I’ll make up a chart for all the changes that have taken place. Steve Padilla is our State Assembly elected official. If any of you have a different Assembly elected official, please let me know who it is so we can reach out. It is now extra complicated with Bonita/Sunnyside in different districts.
January 4th Agenda Snapshot:
- Treasurer’s report for January 2023.
- Fire Safety from Fire Chief Mike Sims and from Sheriff’s Dept Julio Garcia
- Elected Representative Reports: Andrew Harvey from the office of Supervisor Nora Vargas (outstanding issues to include: No Overnight Parking along Plaza Bonita Rd, no commercial truck parking along San Miguel Rd., split rail fencing repairs along Sweetwater Rd south of Quarry and along Chula Vista Golf Course, semi-trucks now parking along Bonita Rd across from Starbucks) and Amanda Angulo from the office of Chula Vista Mayor, John McCann
New Business:
- Judy to give update on School Art Contest funded by NRG Program
News from the Community Forum:
- Traffic and Roads—Mike Clowers
- Sweetwater Community Planning Group—Stephen Stonehouse
- Sr. Volunteer Patrol—Jim Woodford
- Membership—Sharon Coleman (Bonitafest Activities)
- Trails—Mark Kukucheck
- And other announcements/concerns (February guest speakers from San Diego re: Otay pipeline extension)
All this aside, I hope to see you at our upcoming meeting. Please let me know if you have any issues/problems that we can work to resolve.
Happy New Year!
I hope to see you all at our January 4th meeting.
Sweetwater Valley Civic Association
Annual Meeting: January 4, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Bonita Library Community Room
All the best,
Judy Tieber, President
Sweetwater Valley Civic Association